Stencils - Including Raised & 3D

Stencils easily add beautiful embellishments to your decor.

They are often made out of Mylar plastic, but be careful of very thin quality Mylar.  It will affect the look of your impression and there may be higher chances of paint seeping udder the impression.


Use paint and a paintbrush, or roller, or makeup sponge or a sponge dauber.


Use either of the following mediums:
  • 3D Stencil Paste (sold in our store)
  • Pre-mixed joint compound (found in any Walmart or Home Depot)

Stenciling can be done over any wall paint (including high gloss), wood, furniture, cabinetry and craft items. It doesn’t do well on glass, mirror or metal. They’re too slick and non-porous.

What you will need:

  • Stencil
  • Masking or painters tape
  • Plastic scraper or small plaster trowel (we sell scrapers in our store)
  • To begin, tape the stencil in place to the intended area.

Scoop a small amount of stencil paste on to your scraper or trowel. Tilt it to about 45 degrees and then lay the edge of the scraper on the stencil and drag the compound over the stencil openings using a medium amount of pressure. Try to work in the direction of the design wherever possible.

Scrape the paste even with the stencil. This forces the paste down in to all the tiny openings to give you a clear, crisp image. With large openings, use your fingers to hold the opening down as you plaster to prevent it from raising up.

Now, if you want your design thicker (with a higher profile), without removing the stencil, pile on more paste..

Untape the stencil and while holding down one edge, peel the stencil back gently (do not just lift it off).

Tah Dah! There’s the raised design in all it’s glory!

If you wind up with peaks or ridges that you don’t like, or if you pressed a little too hard and it bled up under the stencil openings, simply wipe it away with a Q-tip. Ridges and peaks can simply be wiped with a damp sponge after it has completely dried.

To finish - here are some options:

  • Keep it as is
  • Gently sand if you want to remove sharp edges
  • Paint - I like to paint it the same color as the surface and highlight the design with some gilding wax
  • Dry brush - paint using a dry brush so some of the white shows through
  • Seal - with your favorite sealer

Now that you know how easy it is, what is your first project?


Best, Cella


Shop for stencils here or at the button below:

Buy Stencils

About Georgia Vintage

We are furniture decorative artists that will help you to transform your furniture & decor into a works of art.  We are a top 100 Dixie Belle Retailer.  We sell:

  • Furniture Decoupage Paper
  • Redesign by Prima Transfers and decorative accessories
  • Dixie Belle Chalk Mineral Paint

Our Online Stores:
Georgia Vintage Paint (Dixie Belle Paint)
Georgia Vintage Decor (Transfers & Decoupage)
Georgia Vintage Paper (Decoupage)

Georgia Vintage Retail Store:
Inside Out of the Cedar Chest Antiques
129 Merchants Square, Cumming, GA 30004

Questions?  Contact:  Cella Nelson                                        



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